
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hey! Here I am, waking up again, I guess I said, months ago, that I would be posting weekly; obviously, I could not keep my word!
I know that this blog got abandoned, and links wiped off several websites and blogs, but I’ll try to find a way to keep it up or switch to a new blog mainly about religions and society.
Actually, I do not know why I lost my urge to write in this blog; I got a mingled feeling of being glum and indifferent about Iraq, especially after it was occupied by Islam and Islamists, the religion that I’ll share in fighting its poisonous ideas and try to make it peaceful; since its difficult to convince those millions that it is not holy nor revealed to their prophet.
I am thinking in composing a book or building a website (which is quite easier) to put down discussions regarding religions and their effects especially in the Middle East and the surroundings.
And now I am struggling to find myself in the country I reside in currently, lovely people, nice weather (except August!), not bad job(I am not working as a dentist for now, honestly, I do not remember what that filling consists of! Sometimes this thing pisses me off).
I just wanted to say that I am fine (except my diet! I started a ‘wonderful’ diet a couple of weeks ago, I was 99.5 Kg and now 102!! What’s wrong? I do not know!).
I hope I could start my new website soon. Regards.

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